Global Settings
The Global Settings dialog allows you to configure the software settings. Each of the available settings is described below.
Base Settings
Data Storage
E-mail Settings
CAPTCHA Settings
SFTrade supports the use of verification codes displayed as images, otherwise known as a CAPTCHA. Use these settings to configure the strings that will appear on the CAPTCHA images on the trade account registration form.
Thumbnail Grabber Settings
The thumbnail grabber can be used to fetch thumbnail images from your trades. To have the thumbnails automatically updated you will need to configure a cron task to run at a set time interval.
Registration & Account Settings
Points Modifiers - Bonuses
Bonuses can be given to trades that meet certain criteria, and this section allows you to configure those bonuses. The Modifier percentage tells the script the amount of bonus to apply. To give no bonus for a specific modifier, use 100%.
Points Modifiers - Penalties
Penalties can be given to trades that meet certain criteria, and this section allows you to configure those penalties. The Modifier percentage tells the script the amount of penalty to apply. To give no penalty for a specific modifier, use 100%.
Traffic Distribution
Use these settings to configure how much of your outgoing trade traffic should go to each of outlists. These values must total 100%
Other Settings