Stats Tracking - Incoming
The Traffic URL Setting
The Traffic URL setting specifies where your trades should send their traffic. This will need to be a .php or .shtml page of your site so that the necessary stats tracking code can be embedded and executed. Once you have decided the file type you would like to use, get the appropriate code below.
Code for .php Pages
You have a couple of options when using a .php page for your Traffic URL. The first option requires that PHP be running as an Apache webserver module and uses the PHP virtual() function. Assuming that you have installed SFTrade in the tx directory of your server, the PHP code would look like this: <?php virtual('/sft/in.php'); ?> The second option can be used on any version of PHP and uses the include() function. Assuming that you have installed SFTrade in the tx directory of your server and the page you are including this code in is in the base directory of your site, the PHP code would look like this: <?php include('sft/in.php'); ?>
Code for .shtml Pages
Assuming that you have installed SFTrade in the tx directory of your server, the SSI tag for a .shtml page would look like this: <!--#include virtual="/sft/in.php?${QUERY_STRING}"-->
Placing the Code
For best results you should place the stats tracking code within the <head> section of your page. For example, on a .shtml page you might use this: <html> <head> <title>My Site</title> <!--#include virtual="/sft/in.php"--> </head>